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Monday, October 3
09:00 – 09:30 Opening Ceremony:
Paolo Ghezzi , Deputy Major of the town of Pisa: “Welcome speech”
Stefano Giordano, CloudNet General Chair: “From Arpanet to the Cloud: 30 years of networking in Pisa”
Deep Medhi, CloudNet TPC Co-chair: “A greeting message from TPC Co-Chairs”
09:30 – 10:30 K-1: Keynote “Application Driven End-to-End Network Slicing, From UE To Cloud” by Aki Nakao, University of Tokyo, Japan
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break and Demo Session
11:00 – 13:00 TC-1: Federation, Migration, and Wireless
Session Chair: Silvana Muscella
- Cost-Efficient Algorithms for Critical Resource Allocation in Cloud Federations
- Makhlouf Hadji and Benjamin Aupetit (IRT SystemX, France); Djamal Zeghlache (Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis & UMR 5157 CNRS – Samovar, France)
- A Virtual Network PaaS for 3GPP 4G and Beyond Core Network Services
- Mohammad Abu-Lebdeh, Sami Yangui, Diala Naboulsi and Roch Glitho (Concordia University, Canada); Constant Wette Tchouati (Ericsson, Canada)
- GRECO: A Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Reliable Application Placement in Hybrid Clouds
- Ruben Mennes (University of Antwerp, Belgium); Bart Spinnewyn and Steven Latré (University of Antwerp – iMinds, Belgium); Juan Felipe Botero (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
- Bandwidth management VMs live migration in wireless fog computing for 5G networks
- Danilo Amendola, Nicola Cordeschi and Enzo Baccarelli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy);
- Minimizing Live VM Migration Downtime Using OpenFlow based Resiliency Mechanisms
- Cristian Hernandez Benet, Kyoomars Alizadeh Noghani and Andreas J. Kassler (Karlstad University, Sweden)
- IaaS Migration Using the FELIX Federated Testbed
- Atsuko Takefusa (National Institute of Informatics, Japan); Jason Haga, Fumihiro Okazaki, Katsuhiko Ookubo, Seiya Yanagita and Ryousei Takano (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan); Tomohiro Kudoh (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:15 TC-2: Mobile Cloud and ICN
Session Chair: Brunilde Sansò
- Smart Probabilistic Fingerprinting for Indoor Localization over Fog Computing Platforms
- Andrea Sciarrone (University of Genoa, Italy); Claudio Fiandrino (University of Luxembourg); Igor Bisio and Fabio Lavagetto (University of Genoa, Italy); Dzmitry Kliazovich and Pascal Bouvry (University of Luxembourg)
- Improving Multipath TCP for Latency Sensitive Flows in the Cloud
- Wei Wang (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS & University of Chinese Academy of Science, P.R. China); Liang Zhou (University of California, Riverside, USA); Yi Sun (ICT, CAS, P.R. China)
- Energy-efficient and fault-tolerant mobile cloud storage
- Chien-An Chen and Radu Stoleru (Texas A&M University, USA); Geoffrey G Xie (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
- Enhancing Content Distribution through Information-Aware Mechanisms
- Walid Benchaita (University Pierre et Marie Curie – UPMC, France); Gioacchino Tangari (UCL, United Kingdom); Samir Ghamri-Doudane (Nokia Bell Labs, France); Sebastien Tixeuil (University Pierre & Marie Curie, France)
- Multi-user Mobile Cloud Offloading Game with Computing Access Point
- Meng-Hsi Chen (University of Toronto, Canada); Min Dong (University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada); Ben Liang (University of Toronto, Canada)
16:15 – 16:45 Coffee Break and Demo Session
16:45 – 18:00 TC-3: Virtual Network Functions
Session Chair: Lukas Kencl
- Joint Power Scaling of Processing Resources and Consolidation of Virtual Network Functions
- Roberto Bruschi (CNIT, Italy); Franco R. Davoli (University of Genoa & CNIT, Italy); Paolo Lago and Jane Frances Pajo (University of Genoa, Italy)
- Transparent Optimization of Inter-Virtual Network Function Communication in Open vSwitch
- Mauricio Vasquez Bernal (Politecnico di Torino, Colombia); Ivano Cerrato and Fulvio Risso (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); David Verbeiren (Intel Corporation NV/SA, Belgium)
- Enabling NFV Services on Resource-Constrained CPEs
- Roberto Bonafiglia and Sebastiano Miano (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Sergio Nuccio (Telecom Italia, Torino, Italy); Fulvio Risso and Amedeo Sapio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
- Energy-Aware Placement and Scheduling of Network Traffic Flows with Deadlines on Virtual Network Functions
- Nicolas N El Khoury, Sara Ayoubi and Chadi Assi (Concordia University, Canada)
18:00 – 19:30 Welcome cocktail at the Abitalia Tower Plaza reception
09:30 – 10:30 K-2: Keynote “Application challenges for networks” by Holger Karl, Paderborn University, Germany
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break and Demo Session
11:00 – 13:00 TC-4: Data Center
Session Chair: Andreas Kessler
- Evaluation of Data Center Network Topology Influence on Hadoop MapReduce Performance
- Ondrej Tomanek, Zdenek Kouba and Lukas Kencl (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
- Augmented data center infrastructure management system for minimizing energy consumption
- Yutaka Nakamura, Kazuhiro Matsuda and Morito Matsuoka (Osaka University, Japan)
- Multi Objective Virtual Machine Allocation in Cloud Data Centers
- Giuseppe Portaluri and Stefano Giordano (University of Pisa, Italy)
- On the network performance of Amazon S3 cloud-storage service
- Valerio Persico (University of Napoli, Italy); Antonio Montieri (NM2 srl (Italy), Italy); Antonio Pescapé (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy)
- Green Cloud Broker: Dynamic Virtual Machine Placement Across Multiple Cloud Providers
- Federico Larumbe (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal & GERAD, Canada); Brunilde Sansò (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada)
- Model-Driven Policy Framework for Data Centers (Short Paper)
- Cosmin Caba, Angelos Mimidis Kentis and Jose Soler (DTU, Denmark)
14:30 – 16:15 SS-1: Special Session in Security and Mobile Cloud
Session Chair: Franco Davoli
- Application Specific Mobile Edge Computing through Network Softwarization
- Ping Du and Akihiro Nakao (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Seamless Support of Low Latency Mobile Applications with NFV-Enabled Mobile Edge-Cloud
- Binxu Yang, Wei Koong Chai and George Pavlou (University College London, United Kingdom); Konstantinos V. Katsaros (Intracom Telecom S.A., Greece)
- Validation of Non-Functional Requirements in Cloud Based Systems (Short Paper)
- Rashmi Phalnikar (MIT, COE, Pune University, India)
- CYCLONE: a Multi-Cloud Federation Platform For Complex Bioinformatics And Energy Applications (Short Paper)
- Domenico Gallico and Matteo Biancani (Interoute S.p.A., Italy); Christophe Blanchet, Mohamed Bedri and Jean-Francois Gibrat (CNRS – French Institute of Bioinformatics, France); José I Aznar (I2cat, Spain); Doris Hacker and Maria Kourkouli (QSC, Germany)
- SELFNET Virtual Network Functions Manager: a common approach for lifecycle management of NFV applications (Short Paper)
- Giacomo Bernini, Elian Kraja,Gino Carrozzo, Giada Landi and Nicola Ciulli (Nextworks, Italy)
- On The Breakeven Point Between Cloud-Assisted and Legacy Routing (Short Paper)
- Prasun K Dey (University of Nevada, Reno, USA); Murat Yuksel (University of Central Florida, USA)
16:15 – 16:45 Coffee Break and Demo Session
16:45 – 18:00 SS-2: Special Sessioin Cloud Benchmarking
Session Chair: Alessio Botta
- Towards Automated Cost-efficient Data Management for Federated Cloud Services
- Vincent C Emeakaroha, Martin Bullman and John P. Morrison (University College Cork, Ireland)
- Efficient serving of VPN endpoints on COTS server hardware
- Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich , Lukas Märdian and Georg Carle (Technische Universität München, Germany)
- Performance evaluation of edge cloud computing system for big data applications
- Mauro Femminella, Matteo Pergolesi and Gianluca Reali (University of Perugia, Italy)
- Container-based Service Chaining: a Performance Perspective
- Sergio Livi, Quentin Jacquemart, Dino Lopez Pacheco and Guillaume Urvoy-Keller (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)
19:30 – 21:30 Social Dinner at “Osteria all’Ussero”
Villa di Corliano
Via Statale Abetone n.50
>>> Bus will leave at 7 p.m. from Abitalia Tower Plaza Hotel <<<
Wednesday, October 5
09:30 – 10:30 K-3: Keynote “Towards Artificially Intelligent Networks” by Antonio Manzalini (Telecom Italia, Italy)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break and Demo Session
11:00 – 13:00 SS-3: Special Session in Cloud in Robotics and Cyber Physical Systems
Session Chair: Davide Bacciu
- User Routine Model using a Cloud-Connected Social Robot
- Luis Santos and Jorge Dias (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
- Relieving robots from their burdens: The Cloud Agent concept (Short Paper)
- Aristeidis Thallas (Centre of Research and Technology, Greece); Konstantinos Panayiotou (ORMYLIA Foundation, Greece); Emmanouil Tsardoulias (Centre of Research and Technology & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Andreas Symeonidis and Pericles A Mitkas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Georgios Karagiannis (ORMYLIA Foundation, Greece)
- The GiraffPlus experience: from Laboratory Settings to Test Sites Robustness (Short Paper)
- Paolo Barsocchi (ISTI-CNR, Italy); Amedeo Cesta, Luca Coraci, Gabriella Cortellessa, Riccardo De Benedictis, Francesca Fracasso, Davide La Rosa and Andrea Orlandini (CNR, Italy); Filippo Palumbo (University of Pisa & CNR)
- Implementing virtual pheromones in BDI robots using MQTT and Jason (Short Paper)
- Michele Bottone (Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom); Filippo Palumbo (University of Pisa & CNR, Italy); Giuseppe Primiero, Franco Raimondi and Richard Stocker (Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom)
- Supporting Hybrid Manufacturing: Bringing Process and Human/Robot Control to the Cloud (Short Paper)
- Paul Grefen and Irene Vanderfeesten (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); George Boultadakis (European Dynamics, Greece)
- Internet of Robotic Things: context-aware and personalized interventions of assistive social robots (Short Paper)
- Pieter Simoens, Christof Mahieu, Femke Ongenae, Femke De Backere, Stijn De Pestel, Jelle Nelis and Filip De Turck (Ghent University – iMinds, Belgium); Shirley Elprama, Kilpi Katriina, Jewell Charlotte and An Jacobs (Vrije Universiteit Brussel – iMinds)
- Use Case Evaluation of a Cloud Robotics Teleoperation System (Short Paper)
- Alessandro Manzi, Laura Fiorini and Raffaele Limosani (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy); Peter Sinčák (Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia); Paolo Dario (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy)
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:15 TC-5: Software Defined Networking
Session Chair: Antonio Cianfrani
- SDN-Guard: DoS Attacks Mitigation in SDN networks
- Lobna Dridi and Mohamed Faten Zhani (École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada)
- Middleware Platform for Distributed Applications Incorporating Robots, Sensors and the Cloud
- Elias De Coninck, Steven Bohez, Sam Leroux, Tim Verbelen, Bert Vankeirsbilck and Pieter Simoens (Ghent University – iMinds, Belgium); Bart Dhoedt (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Analysis of Control Traffic in a Geo-distributed Collaborative Cloud
- Tatiana Sciammarella, Rodrigo S. Couto and Marcelo Gonçalves Rubinstein (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Miguel Elias Mitre Campista (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro & GTA, Brazil); Luis Henrique M. K. Costa (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Performance Debugging in SDN Controllers – A Case Study (Short Paper)
- Sania Zara (Namal College, Mianwali, Pakistan); Muhammad Umar Hameed (National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan); Adnan Iqbal and Noman Javed (Namal College Mianwali, Pakistan);; Saqib Ilyas (LUMS University, Pakistan)
- Implementing a Smart SDN Switch with LISP Control Plane as Network Function (Short Paper)
- Antonio Cianfrani, Manuele Mohseni Pour Samii, David Lo Bascio and Marco Polverini (University “La Sapienza” Roma, Italy)
- Cloud networks for ERTMS railways systems (Short Paper)
- Anna Lina Ruscelli, Gabriele Cecchetti and Piero Castoldi (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy)
16:15 – 16:45 Coffee Break and Demo Session
16:45 – 17:45 TC-6: Load Management and P2P
Session Chair: Fulvio Risso
- Towards Decentralized Repository Services for Efficient and Transparent Virtual Machine Operations: The ENTICE Approach
- Dragi Kimovski (University of Innsbruck & University for Information Science and Technology, Austria); Nishant Saurabh (University of Innsbruck, Austria); Sandi Gec and Polona Štefanič (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia); Gabor Kecskemeti (MTA SZTAKI, Hungary); Vlado Stankovski (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia); Radu Prodan and Thomas Fahringer (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
- Incentives for Mobile Cloud Environments through P2P Auctions
- Ismael Cuadrado-Cordero (INRIA & IRISA, France); Anne-Cecile Orgerie (CNRS & IRISA, France); Christine Morin (INRIA & IRISA, France)
- On Load Management in Service Oriented Networks (Short Paper)
- Ehsan Elahi, Jason Barron and Micheál Crotty (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland); Miguel Ponce de Leon (Waterford Institute of Technology & TSSG, Ireland); Rashid Mijumbi and Steven Davy (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland); Dimitri Staessens and Sander Vrijders (Ghent University – iMinds, Belgium)